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中华介入放射学电子杂志 ›› 2014, Vol. 02 ›› Issue (01) : 48 -50. doi: 10.3877/cma j.issn.2095-5782.2014.01.014


CT 灌注成像评估颈动脉支架植入术前后脑灌注变化的价值
牛洪涛1, 张文丽1, 翟仁友2,(), 王剑锋2, 魏宝杰2   
  1. 1.066000 河北省秦皇岛市第一医院放射科
  • 收稿日期:2013-07-08 出版日期:2014-03-01
  • 通信作者: 翟仁友
  • 基金资助:
    国家“十一五” 科技支撑计划(2007BAI05B07)

CT perfusion study of pre-and post-operative cerebral hemodynamics in patients with carotid artery stenting

Hongtao Niu1, Wenli Zhang1, Renyou Zhai1,(), Jianfeng Wang1, Baojie Wei1   

  1. 1.Department of Radiology,the First Hospital of Qinhuangdao,Qinhuangdao 066000,China
  • Received:2013-07-08 Published:2014-03-01
  • Corresponding author: Renyou Zhai

牛洪涛, 张文丽, 翟仁友, 王剑锋, 魏宝杰. CT 灌注成像评估颈动脉支架植入术前后脑灌注变化的价值[J/OL]. 中华介入放射学电子杂志, 2014, 02(01): 48-50.

Hongtao Niu, Wenli Zhang, Renyou Zhai, Jianfeng Wang, Baojie Wei. CT perfusion study of pre-and post-operative cerebral hemodynamics in patients with carotid artery stenting[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Interventional Radiology(Electronic Edition), 2014, 02(01): 48-50.


探讨CT脑灌注成像(CTP) 技术评估重度颈动脉狭窄患者介入治疗术前后脑灌注变化。


采用64层CT对22 例颈动脉狭窄患者行术前CT血管造影术(CTA) 联合CTP,术后行CTP, 评估颈动脉支架植入(CAS) 术前与术后脑血流量(CBF)、 脑血容量(CBV) 、 平均通过时间(MTT) 的变化情况。


19 例单侧颈动脉狭窄患者术前的双侧脑灌注有明显差异, CBF降低[患侧(21.90±3.37)ml/(100 g·min)、健侧(37.17±6.34)ml/(100 g·min),t=13.445,P﹤0.001],MTT延长[患侧(8.44±1.02) s、 健侧(5.75±0.81) s, t=9.605, P﹤0.001], CBV 无明显差异[患侧(2.03±0.31) ml/100 g、 健侧(2.14±0.25) ml/100 g, t=1.204, P=0.2365]; 而CAS术后患侧脑灌注参数明显正常化。


CTA结合CTP能够从功能学方面较为客观地评估重度颈动脉狭窄患者的脑血流动力学变化, 定量的脑灌注参数使其成为CAS 术后随访的有力工具。


To evaluate the change of cerebral perfusion of patients with severe carotid stenosis before and after undergoing carotid artery stent placement(CAS)with CT perfusion(CTP).


Twenty-two patients with carotid artery stenosis were underwent cerebral perfusion CT before and after the stentplacement procedure.Cerebral blood volume(CBV),cerebral blood flow(CBF)and mean transit time(MTT)values were measured.


There was significant difference in preoperative bilateral cerebral perfusion of 19 cases with unilateral carotid artery stenosis.CBF of affected side was lower than that of uninjured side(21.90±3.37 vs 37.17±6.34,t=13.445,P﹤0.001).MTT of affected side was longer than that of uninjured side(8.44±1.02 vs 5.75±0.81,t=9.605,P﹤0.001).There was no significant difference between affected side and uninjured side(2.03±0.31 vs 2.14±0.25,t=1.204,P=0.2365).The perfusion parameters of affected side was normalizing after CAS.


CTA combined with CTP is a useful technique for the assessment of the hemodynamic modifications in patients with severe carotid stenosis.The quantitative evaluation of cerebral perfusion makes it a reliable tool for the follow-up of patients who undergo CAS.

表1 19 例单侧狭窄患者CAS 术前、 术后CBV、 CBF和MTT值(±s)
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